New Mills / Spinner and Weaver
Opening days
At the Loom Room, visitors will be able to see Kate in her natural habitat, spinning and weaving on both an eight shaft and a two shaft loom. Textile arts will be available for sale alongside refreshments and a warm welcome.
During the week, Kate will be based at the Studio in Whaley Bridge, where she will be demonstrating alongside other textile artists, the process of fleece to final item.
Tuesday sees her carding and spinning local wool alongside the group of spinners that meets here every Monday afternoon. The fleece used will be from the Derbyshire Gritstone sheep.
Wednesday is a dyeing day, when the group known as the Derbyshire Dyers will assist her in dyeing the handspun from Monday.
On Thursday and Friday she’ll be joined by a group known as The Weavils. Kate will be weaving up the dyed yarn into a fabric on her in house ,counterbalance loom, built in 1860 and fondly known as Millicent.
Saturday any fabric that has been created will be transformed into a finished article.
The Sunday will be a mix of all these activities.
During the week textile art will be for sale from the many local artists, who regularly display their work at Wiseheart Studio.
Wiseheart Studio can be found underneath Pear Tree Cafe on Canal Street, which leads to the beautiful canal basin.
Wiseheart Studio, 10A, Canal Street, Whaley Bridge, SK23 7LS
Contact Information
Venue Information
The Loom Room4, Mellor Rd
New Mills
SK22 4DW